Sunday, February 17, 2008

NC Update

A lot has happened the past couple months in the lives of the Parkens...Here's a brief summary for you all:
  • The pastor's family of our church plant is moving back to Texas, making the college pastors (Mick and Steph Murray) the new pastors
  • After much prayer and wise counsel, we are now attending a different church that we are very excited about. The Summit Church has such a like-minded heart as our church in Boston that we already feel at home there. We have gotten plugged into a small group and are beginning to make new friends!
  • Steph accepted a new job at Duke Children's Hospital that begins this week! (Note from proud husband Adam: the hospital is #19 in national rankings of children's hospitals -- ahead of even St. Jude's in Memphis, and is the 2nd highest ranked children's hospital in the South. Yeah, my wife is awesome.)
  • During Steph's time off between jobs, we have traveled to Boston and Florida
  • We will have a couple blog entries to fill you in on more of these details, so stay tuned!

Random Fact from Adam: "In honor of living in NC, here's a tobacco-related fact. Nicotine is named after Jean Nicot, a 16th-century French diplomat who introduced tobacco leaves from America to Catherine de Medici to treat her migraines."

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